libimobiledevice  1.3.0
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service.h File Reference


Generic basic service implementation to inherit.


#define SERVICE_CONSTRUCTOR(x)   (int32_t (*)(idevice_t, lockdownd_service_descriptor_t, void**))(x)


typedef struct service_client_private service_client_private
typedef service_client_private * service_client_t
 The client handle.


enum  service_error_t {
 Error Codes.


service_error_t service_client_new (idevice_t device, lockdownd_service_descriptor_t service, service_client_t *client)
 Creates a new service for the specified service descriptor. More...
service_error_t service_client_factory_start_service (idevice_t device, const char *service_name, void **client, const char *label, int32_t(*constructor_func)(idevice_t, lockdownd_service_descriptor_t, void **), int32_t *error_code)
 Starts a new service on the specified device with given name and connects to it. More...
service_error_t service_client_free (service_client_t client)
 Frees a service instance. More...
service_error_t service_send (service_client_t client, const char *data, uint32_t size, uint32_t *sent)
 Sends data using the given service client. More...
service_error_t service_receive_with_timeout (service_client_t client, char *data, uint32_t size, uint32_t *received, unsigned int timeout)
 Receives data using the given service client with specified timeout. More...
service_error_t service_receive (service_client_t client, char *data, uint32_t size, uint32_t *received)
 Receives data using the given service client. More...
service_error_t service_enable_ssl (service_client_t client)
 Enable SSL for the given service client. More...
service_error_t service_disable_ssl (service_client_t client)
 Disable SSL for the given service client. More...
service_error_t service_disable_bypass_ssl (service_client_t client, uint8_t sslBypass)
 Disable SSL for the given service client without sending SSL terminate messages. More...